Nexus™ removes the stress that comes from having nonpaying tenants and eviction situations. We have handled hundreds of evictions for our property management clients and have a deep understanding of the local landlord-tenant laws. Our owners benefit from fast resolutions when rent has gone uncollected, so we can restore the property to an income producing asset ASAP.
Nexus Property Management® will handle the entire process.
- Demand letters will be sent to all late tenants
- If rent is not collected by the date listed on demand letters a court case will be filed by our network attorney
- At court one of three possibilities will occur, all benefiting our clients.
Stipulation Agreement – In court, our attorney and our representative will work to come to an agreement with the tenants. These agreements will consist of a payment plan, a move out date or a combination of the two.
Payment Plan Agreements – This type of agreement will stipulate specific payment amounts and dates that payments are due. In the event a tenant is either late on a payment or a payment is less than the agreed amount they are in breach of the agreement and we can obtain a “Writ of Execution”.
Move Out Agreements – This type of agreement will stipulate a specific date that the tenant must vacate the property. All belongings must be removed, and the unit must be left in broom swept condition or security deposit will go to damages and judgment balance will be owed in full. In the event the tenant does not vacate the agreed upon the date they will be in breach of the agreement and we can obtain a writ of execution.
Execution of possession – In the event the tenant breaches a stipulation agreement or does not report to court they will lose the case and we will obtain a “writ of execution” or “execution of possession” from the court which allows us to send a sheriff or constable to return possession of the property to the owner or in rare instances remove the tenant and their belongings from the property if there is further resistance.
Dealing with non-paying tenants, evictions, court filings and past due rent is often a large financial and emotional strain for property owners. Nexus™ will take care of everything involved and help drastically reduce the risk of nonpaying tenants moving forward with our proven tenant screening methods and procedures. In addition, Nexus™ provides eviction protection for all tenants we place. If at any time a tenant placed by Nexus Property Management® is evicted, we will place a tenant at no charge.